Both the Ohio Motor Vehicles Dealers Board and the courts said that Ohio’s motor vehicle law did not give the Board the power to prevent the seller from selling to another party pending resolution of the buyer’s Board protest. M&A…
Both the Ohio Motor Vehicles Dealers Board and the courts said that Ohio’s motor vehicle law did not give the Board the power to prevent the seller from selling to another party pending resolution of the buyer’s Board protest. M&A…
No fraud: business seller’s rosy projects were just “puffery” and the buyer failed to perform due diligence. M&A Stories April 12, 2022 Introduction: In the world of business acquisitions, legal disputes may arise when a purchased business fails to perform…
Learn about a recent case in Oklahoma where a federal court refused to enforce certain employee non-solicitation post-employment covenants during an asset acquisition. Understand the importance of complying with local laws when implementing non-solicitation agreements in M&A deals to prevent…
Explore the complexities of arbitration in business acquisitions involving real estate. Discover how arbitration clauses may not always prevent disputes from reaching court, as highlighted by the BLW Motors, LLC v. Vicksburg Ford Lincoln Mercury, Inc case. Gain insights into…
Explore the intricacies of seller responsibilities for buyer’s pre-closing claim costs in M&A deals. Learn how indemnification provisions can play a crucial role in protecting buyers from unexpected legal challenges. Case reference: ALLERGAN FIN., LLC v. PFIZER INC. April 30,…
Explore a recent case, Continental Motors, Inc. v. Danbury Aerospace, Inc., to understand how indemnification provisions in asset purchase agreements impact legal outcomes. Learn about the buyer’s strategic approach to broaden indemnification scope. April 13, 2020 Introduction: In the world…
Explore the legal complexities surrounding a buyer’s ability to approach seller’s employees despite a Letter of Intent (LOI) in business acquisitions. Understand the case of American Mortgage & Equity Consultants, Inc. v. Everett Financial, Inc. and key factors affecting the…
Explore a legal case where a business buyer’s $8 million claim was denied after losing revenue due to nonrenewed customer contracts. Gain insights into the court’s ruling and the importance of accurate representations in M&A agreements. November 10, 2019 Introduction:…
Explore a real-life M&A case involving a dispute over purchase price adjustments and the importance of streamlining this process. Learn how specifying the accounting firm in the APA could have saved time, stress, and money. September 20, 2019 M&A Stories…
Learn about the importance of safeguarding confidential information in M&A deals and the legal battles that can arise when confidentiality agreements are breached. M&A Stories May 9, 2019 Introduction: In the world of business acquisitions, safeguarding confidential information is paramount.…
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