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Selling S Corp Stock with Company Real Estate: Navigating Tax Strategies

Explore tax strategies for selling S Corp stock with company real estate. Learn about unique M&A tax structures for closely held businesses, including the formation of a holding company and real estate distribution. M&A Tax Structures for Closely Held Businesses

Posted in F reorganization, S corporation, stock sale, unwanted assets Tagged with: , , , , , , , , ,

Uncovering 2-Class Stock Issue in S Corporation M&A Deal

Discover the critical importance of confirming the S corporation status in M&A deals to avoid unexpected tax liabilities. Learn from a recent case where a two-class stock issue threatened the corporation’s qualification and how it was resolved. M&A Tax Stories

Posted in One class of stock, S corporation Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Stock Seller Takes Legal Action Against Buyers Over Failure to Close S Corp Books for Q1 Tax Loss

Explore a case study where a stock seller filed a lawsuit against buyers due to a breach of stock purchase agreement. Learn about the significance of Section 1377 election and clear communication in M&A transactions. July 27, 2020 Introduction: When

Posted in further assurance provision, S corporation, Section 1377 election Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

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