Explore the nuances of buyer offset rights in M&A deals and their application in a real-world case. Learn how a Delaware court ruled on a seller’s challenge to offset legal costs in a post-closing environmental litigation. September 9, 2019 M&A…
Explore the nuances of buyer offset rights in M&A deals and their application in a real-world case. Learn how a Delaware court ruled on a seller’s challenge to offset legal costs in a post-closing environmental litigation. September 9, 2019 M&A…
Explore the implications of Delaware law on survival periods and statute of limitations in M&A agreements. Learn how a recent case, Kilcullen v. Spectro Scientific, Inc., sheds light on extending timeframes for indemnification claims. September 6, 2019 M&A Stories Introduction:…
Explore the intricacies of products liability claims in M&A deals, including indemnification agreements and survival periods. Dive into the legal resolution of a real case, CEI Equipment Company v. Gaddis. M&A Stories April 11, 2019 Introduction: In mergers and acquisitions,…
Explore how to mitigate environmental remediation costs in M&A transactions through a real-life case study. Learn from a legal perspective about managing environmental uncertainties in stock purchase agreements. M&A Stories January 17, 2019 In 2014, a business owner in Palo…
Explore a legal case study on environmental liabilities in M&A deals. Learn about the dispute between a stock seller and buyer regarding contamination issues and indemnification. M&A Stories November 29, 2018 In this transaction, a company dealing in industrial combustion…
Dive into the intricacies of mergers and acquisitions with our latest blog post, ‘Avoiding Escrow Woes: A Cautionary Tale for M&A Participants.’ Explore the real-world case of The HC Companies, Inc. v. Myers Industries, Inc., and unravel the complexities surrounding…
Key Takeaways from Recent M&A Case: Buyer’s Indemnification Rights Clarified
Explore the legal intricacies of a recent M&A case where a restraint system manufacturer acquired a seat belt producer, leading to a dispute over indemnification for pre-closing product liability claims. Understand the court’s ruling and the implications for buyers and…