Monthly Archives: October 2019

Business Buyer Sues Seller Founder for Using His Personal Name to Promote Competitor

Introduction The personal name of the founder of a company such as the name of an inventor or fashion designer can be a very valuable asset in an acquisition. A buyer may want to minimize the risk that the inventor

Posted in Intellectual Property, Personal Name, Right of publicity Tagged with: , , ,

Court Permits Business Seller to Sue Buyer for Seller CEO Retention Bonus Deal

Introduction A business buyer often wants to retain the seller’s top management. One technique used is a lucrative retention bonus. One legal risk in using this technique is a seller claim that the retention bonus is in fact part of

Posted in fraudulent concealment, private equity, retention bonus Tagged with:

Business Buyer Pays Reasonably Equivalent Value Liable to Seller Lessor Under UFTA

Introduction One legal risk of buying a distressed business is having to pay a seller creditor for an unassumed APA liability even when the buyer paid fair market value for the business. The deal The buyer in this case was

Posted in hinder, delay or defraud, insider, reasonably equivalent value, successor liability, Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act or Uniform Voidable Transfer Act Tagged with: , , , ,

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